Building an enterprise streaming network means you need content to be widely accessible to your workforce. uStudio answers this need by not only providing media-first mobile and desktop experiences that provide a consumer-grade user experience, but also by allowing the content in your media library to be embedded within other applications your organization uses.
Player embeds allow for the distribution of content in the software and tools your workforce frequents for their daily tasks, such as SharePoint, your Learning Management System (LMS), your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, and more.
Admins can retrieve a player embed for configured applications directly from the uStudio Admin Console.
What is a player embed?
A player embed provides a natural media experience in an external application. When a player is embedded within an application, it has a seamless user experience so that users are unaware that a different application is providing the content. Users can have all their familiar video or audio player controls directly in the application they are using.
Configuring applications for player embeds
Configuring uStudio for new embed applications
In order to start using player embeds, an embed application will need to be configured with the help of the uStudio Support Team ( Once an embed application is configured, all admins will have access to embed codes that will work in that application.
Configuring SharePoint to allow uStudio Embeds
Each SharePoint site will need to be configured to allow embeds from uStudio.
Please note, that there could be several sites that require configuration.
Using a player embed
Retrieving a player embed
Once embed applications are configured, admins can retrieve a code to embed a player in the configured application(s).
- Open the uStudio Admin Console.
- In the Podcasts section, navigate to the Shows List.
- Click into the Show that has the episode you would like to embed.
- Find the episode you would like to embed in the "Episodes in this Show" section. Click the share button next to the desired episode.
- Switch to the “Player Embed” tab.
- Click the desired application. If no options are clickable, you organization needs to configure an embed application.
- The embed code will appear beneath the row of application icons. Click the “Copy Embed Code” button.
- The format of the player (audio or video) will be dictated by the show type.
- When the show type is a video show, you can select the size of the video player you would like to embed. When you select a new size, the embed code will be automatically updated and the preview below the embed code box will be updated to display the size of the player.
Security of player embeds
Easy Embeds use a standard “Domain Restricted” security model designed to prevent embedded players from being copied and embedded into other sites on other domains. Like all security models, a motivated and sophisticated bad actor could find ways to work around this model to gain access to your streaming media. If you are operating in an ‘untrusted’ user environment where you believe this is too high a risk, consider using a higher-friction streaming experience like the uStudio SSO embed that requires users to log in to players before any content can be played.
Player embed sizing
Video Content
When retrieving a video player embed from the uStudio Management Console, you can choose from three preset sizes:
Select the size that best fits your embed location. |
Audio Content
Audio embeds can be adjusted when you paste the embed code into your desired application. The following sizes are supported:
- 1280 x 286 pixels
- 640 x 286 pixels
- 480 x 286 pixels
- 320 x 286 pixels
- 1280 x 75 pixels
- 600 x 75 pixels
- 300 x 75 pixels
Note: Altering an embed code to a size not listed above may affect the standard display and functionality.
How to Modify an Embed Code
To change the size of an embed, simply replace the width and height values in the embed code to match one of the supported “width x height” pairs listed above.
<iframe src=<URL> width="1280" height="720" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowFullScreen="true" webkitAllowFullScreen="true" mozAllowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
Using a player embed in SharePoint
Please read this article on using player embeds in SharePoint.
Using a player embed in Confluence
Please read this article on using player embeds in Confluence.
Note: Easy Embeds is not supported by Internet Explorer.