New Playlist for Downloads.Soon to be released is a convenient new ‘Downloads’ playlist in the My Library section of the uStudio mobile app so that it’s easier than ever to access content on your mobile devices. The Downloads playlist neatly organizes and displays all episodes that a user has downloaded, ensuring fast access to content offline or on-the-go.
New Playlist for Recently Played.Similar to the new Downloads playlist, we will be adding a second dynamically generated playlist that contains a user’s recently played content. Your audience won’t have to remember what they’ve already played; they’ll have a list to guide them. This takes you one step further towards replaying or sharing particular moments and learnings from content. Efficient access to valuable information makes your team smarter and more equipped to do their job!
Accessibility improvements.Over the next few months, you may notice the uStudio mobile app will respond better when users have settings for increased font sizes. This is all part of a goal to improve the interface in our app, particularly as it relates to accessibility. Better navigation and utility means stronger adoption.
What's New
Ooh La La!uStudio's new embeddable audio and video players more tightly align our syndicated streaming tools with our application experience. New players offer a visually stunning solution to extend your company's podcast network across learning, content, and customer management platforms. Not only do these players offer a stronger visual experience for your content, but they importantly offer a link back to your full application experience in the top right corner, significantly increasing the odds of your users discovering new content in the app. Unlock this opportunity today and start integrating your content into more applications,
Embeddable Audio Player Embeddable Video Player
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.Throughout the mobile app, we have improved how episode lists appear. For example, on Show and Playlist screens, you’ll notice that the episodes offer more icons with quick links to actions like Play and Add to Playlist. The biggest improvement is the extra space we’ve given to the Episode title, making it more likely that your entire episode title is able to be read in this view without requiring an additional click.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily now we're sourcing streams.Our new link tracking feature gives you and your data analysts important information about your content share links and where plays come from. Gain valuable insights into your best channel for promotion and discovery. Join our beta test group for this feature by contactingproduct@ustudio.comor replying to this email.
The more you share…Building on our commitment to content discovery, we’ve introduced a 'Share Show' icon in our mobile and Web apps to complement the existing 'Share Episode' functionality. This new feature allows anyone to effortlessly share entire series with teams or colleagues, expanding reach and awareness to a wider audience organically, encouraging deeper engagement and group discussions at a series level.
Mark an episode as Played.The inclusion of the 'Mark As Played' feature in our mobile app now brings it in alignment with the functionality already present in our Web app. This standardization across platforms guarantees a consistent and uniform experience for your users as we continue to see cross-app usage.