This basic guide shows how to configure Salesforce (Lightning) with uStudio Podcast. Please note that this guide may not cover everything your organization may want to set up.
- Login into Salesforce as a System Administrator.
- Go to the Settings console.
- Find Identity Provider under Identity in the Settings section.
- Click "Service Providers are now created via Connected Apps. Click Here."
- Under Basic Information, set Connected App Name to uStudio SSO.
- Set API Name to uStudio SSO.
- Set Email to your email.
- Under Web App Settings, set Start URL as where companycode is replaced by your Company Code in all uppercase characters (i.e. USTUDIO). This smart link will route your users to our web application or mobile application. We only support Service Provider initiated requests.
- Checkmark Enable SAML.
- Set Entity ID as urn:auth0:ustudioinc:prod-companycode-podcast-sso where companycode is replaced by your Company Code in all lowercase characters (i.e. ustudio).
- Set ACS URL as where companycode is replaced by your Company Code in all lowercase characters (i.e. ustudio).
- Checkmark Verify Request Signatures and upload our certificate.
- Set Signing Algorithm for SAML Messages to SHA256.
- Under SAML Login Information, please provide with your Metadata XML file. At the very least, we need your X509 Certificate and Sign-on URL.
- Assign Users, Profiles, and Permission Sets as needed to connect your audience to our app.
- Under Custom Attributes, click New.
1. Set Attribute key as given_name.
2. Click Insert Field and select $User > First Name.
3. Click Insert.
- Follow step #16 to create:
1. family_name to $User.LastName.
2. groupName to $User.Department or $User.Role or custom comma separated string value as we support 1:1 group mapping.
3. Note: email to $User.Email is a default attribute, so you shouldn't need to create this.
- Now you should be able to login and test this connection with uStudio Support.