Super Admins or Owners are able to add or remove admins within the HUB.
Adding an Admin
To add an admin, click the "+" icon next to Members at the bottom left and enter the new admin's information. We recommend you enter their first and last name in “Name” and their corporate email in “Email Address”. Once you click “Add Member,” your newly invited admin will receive an invitation from All admins will have access to the Podcast Management Console (PMC) and HUB.
Note: If you have access to more than one studio you will need to select the correct studio from the dropdown on the top left before adding administrators.
Inspecting an Invitation
To inspect an admin invitation, click “Invitations” under Members. Here you can verify you’ve invited the right person to be an admin. You can also revoke the invitation by checking the box next to the admin and clicking “Delete Invitation.”
Removing an Admin
To remove an admin, select their username under Members. Then click “Remove Member” at the bottom right.