uStudio uses a public application that is accessible via Google Play and the Apple App Store. Your Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) application can access these apps and set them at the device level for MDM. Below are guidelines and instructions for EMM setup on your end.
A few things to note:
- This will require that your EMM is deploying configuration at the device level (MDM), and the MDM supports AppConfig (for both Android and iOS)
- It will be up to your internal EMM admin team to set the Application Identifier and Company Code parameters listed below.
Android App:
- Link to the app:
- Set Application Identifier as: com.ustudiopodcast
- Put the CompanyCode parameter to your company code in all caps.
- If you do not know your company code please reach out to your internal uStudio Admin or email
iOS App:
- Link to the app:
- Set application Identifier as: com.ustudio.uStudioPodcast
- Put the CompanyCode parameter to your corporate code in all caps
- If you do not know your company code please reach out to your internal uStudio Admin or email