v1.33 Release Notes and Known Issues - 04/08/2021 |
As uStudio Enterprise Podcast is released to customers and prospects, each release is accompanied by Release Notes that describe new features, bug fixes, and a list of known issues. These issues are known to uStudio and are being addressed in upcoming versions of uStudio Enterprise Podcast.
Podcast v1.x Release Notes
To facilitate a more effective and efficient way to reach your employees, clients, customers and partners, uStudio presents its Enterprise Podcast. From important security features and UI and UX improvement to a better internal content sharing experience, the release notes detailed below offer a condensed description of enhancements, modifications and new features. Use these notes to prepare for success across your organization.
New Features:
This version includes the following new features:
1. Iconography updated for consistency and user experience
All icons and images within the mobile and Web applications were scrubbed for consistency. The following updates took place:
All images now have rounded corners in the mobile and Web applications.
Playback controls are now consistent regardless of the screen size in the mobile and Web applications.
Following industry trends, “Subscribe” was changed to “Follow” in the Web and mobile applications. Please note that if you "Unfollow" a show and then "Follow" the same show again, your played episodes will be reset to unplayed episodes and added to your unplayed list.
Show title added under Show artwork in the mobile application.
Spacing and separator bar were added between Categories in the mobile application.
Live event notification banner was modified to be displayed above the Category title in the Category details view in the mobile application.
Action icons (like, share, download) were updated for consistency across all screens.
2. Episodes will resume from last play point
Play progress is stored on the server so that Episodes will resume from their last play point. This now occurs on both the mobile application and the Web application. It even allows the user to switch from mobile to Web (and vice-versa) and pick up the Episode where they left off.
3. Promotional Embeds now always open in a new tab
As Promotional Embeds are used to promote Episodes in more places, they have been improved to always open a new tab when clicked. This allows the Podcast Web application to open in its own tab instead of being embedded in other systems which creates a better user experience.
4. Help Link added to the PMC
A help link was added in the Podcast Management Console (PMC) that links to a knowledge base article with tutorial videos on the most common tasks that administrators perform. The link is a question mark with a circle around it in the top right corner of the PMC.
Issues Addressed:
This version addresses the following issues from prior versions:
- Editing an Episode’s artwork will now accurately refresh to show the new artwork that was just added.
- Improved stats submission from the Podcast Web and mobile applications.
- Improved application icon overlays to update when new items are added to the Unplayed list and/or new push notifications are received.
- Improvements were made to the user management system.
Known Issues:
- If an Episode is unpublished, it will still appear in the Unplayed list of the podcast mobile application. If you attempt to play the episode, you will receive a "Player Error - 404" error.
- If the Episode is longer than one hour, the total time is displayed in hours and minutes instead of minutes and seconds.
- Date range selector in Dashboard in PMC does not let you select just one day.